
Superficial Love and Non-Existant Rapture

So, where was it? This doomsday prediction which swept over the world in under two weeks, causing many believers to sell everything and repent? Well we all, come six o'clock on May 21st sat quivering in our boots anticipating our untimely end. Then we realised that, half an hour later we really weren't going anywhere. Awkward. I made a mix in all the excitement - link in the side bar.

Sorry for S&I's absence recently, you might be aware we're in the midst of our GSCE's, which means that most of our free time is spent revising, or in my case, re-discovering sims 3.

About 50% of my time has also been spent obsessing over this man,

and these items... 

happy half term!



Egg Yellow Nails, New Shoes and Morning Blues

numerous water bombs, flour fights and locusts later the last day of year 11 has come and gone, and we are thrust into exam season. A day so incredibly sad considering i have been waiting for it forever, and i'm going to be returning for sixth-form, But still with out my beloved star, who is travelling slightly further down the road to Prior Park. Well here are a few snaps of my saturday spent 'revising'...

Nail varnish inspired by my lunch and spring and all that. (barryM)

New shoesies, for prom!

and a saturday morning self portrait. Revision = grumpy face.
I have created a new mix (link in the side bar)

So I probably should get back to the books seeing as star&I along with thousands of other 15/16 year olds across the country have our English Language Paper 1 exam on Monday. Wish us luck!

something we haven't done in a while - song of the week!
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - 40 Days



If only you could get an A* in eating....

And so as exams slowly creep upon us unfortunate GCSE students, thousands of people are attempting revision and stressing themselves and no doubt their whole household to breaking point..... not mine however.

You see, i tend to stress-bake.
Perhaps a strange concept but it is definitely my favourite procrastination technique by far and with the filling of my house with cakes and biscuits it seems my family are praising the revision season as when i explain "i'm about to do a past paper" they know a mound of chocolate brownies are on their way!
My latest culinary discovery being the italian side of baking means have attempted to master the art of bread and pasta. So far english muffins, fresh linguini and homemade tortellini are ticked off the list but i'm sure by september i will be a pro!

So while readers you may have your heads buried in revision guides, mine shall be in cookbooks and with the combination of 16 exams and a school prom on its way, i'm not sure i will be able to zip up my dress....