
I love nigella.

Today I embarked on a cake making journey, the out come of which has most certainly added a few pounds to my hips. Alas that is the devilish beauty of a cake, one that I am more that happy to go along with. This is what it was supposed to look like... but ended up looking slightly more like a heart attack waiting to happen. 

I changed the chocolate in the icing for white chocolate, and it has worked just as well. I can assure you, it's delicious. Nigella never lies... 

it serves 10, or 1 with a broken heart. 



There's a snake in my boot.

Looks like woolgathering has been hit by another western whirlwind, this time however one with a little less drama...

Yep thats right, along with my dreams of summer and the end of exams, comes dreams of a new spring wardrobe filled with all things tasseled, woven, printed and all in varying leathers or suedes. So welcome to my new found love- the wild wild west....

These gorgeous shoes are now possessions of mine after a snakeskin craving, thank you urban outfitters, and are the start of a fatal addiction! Sadly for my bank account, the rest of the highstreet has plenty more to offer, Topshop with its suede shorts and whipstitch hat, All Saints with all manner of shredded goods and beaten metal jewellery and even humble H&M has navajo print scarves to offer. So thats where i'll be as soon as i can, just look out for the girl with leather shorts and a cowboy hat drooling over something that looks fit for any aspiring Calamity Jane or Buffalo Bill...



A Tale of two feet.....

One shoe post after another i know, but really aren't these just beauts!!

so now you've had a nice look, i will tell you their story...

Once upon a time kurt geiger (wherever he was) designed some shoes fit for the gods and gave them suede-y sides and buckle-y straps and dropped them down to earth with little sale tags on them. So there they lay, until a lonely blonde stumbled across them.... Now usually this lonely blonde would have to pass them by and just keep wishing as she had no money..... HOWEVER she now has the best job ever (working at a little cafe) and had JUST got paid so, she whipped out that wallet of hers and bought them.
The lonely blonde is now no longer lonely and despite being a cliche with new shoes as her boyfriend adds she is happy as though they are gorgeous they are miracles in being perhaps the comfiest shoes in the universe!!




Lord Give Me Strength! (and platinum blonde hair)

Dear Feet, i apologise for the amount of pain I put you through. The inventor of the high heeled clog, was clearly a beautiful designer and an evil mastermind rolled into one. However my friends, you do look lovely in your new attire and therefore, i regret to announce, I am going to continue to wear them, despite the agony. Silly i know, but alas, as is life. Besides i see revenge for you on the horizon, aka when i am thirty and am refined to a wheelchair.

As for the platinum blonde.. i've adored that for a while.



fashionably late...?

Okay okay.... so I know its late, almost 3 months to be exact but having only just sussed out how our scanner works all (I am technologically illiterate) pictures were still in their lovely film form.... but anyway they are here now! So enjoy a very short pictorial tour of a day in London in October with my gorgeous boyfriend Elliot who will be pleased he has finally arrived in post form on our lovingly refurbished blog.....

So anyone with a free space for me to come stay in..... please let me know, going through London withdrawal symptoms is definitely not healthy.....



New Start?

So as we burst into the new year we leave behind the debris of the previous age, and shower ourselves in the sparkling glory of a new start. But is that really real? Do we wake up from new years eve, with a completley different outlook/personality/goal, as if awaking from a half forgotten dream, and adorning the new clothes of 2011. Can you change over night? Perhaps. Maybe. We wish...

A Few Snapshots from My 2010: Belgium Tour, Corfu, Corfu, London, Elliot's, Livi's, Us.

Oh and I made a mix aswell. (Check side bar)

Happy New Year All, don't feel tied down by all the NY's resolutions crap, just live to be whatever.



Happy New Year

Well after recovering.... only just from last nights antics, to name a few.... "borrowing" articles of clothing, only to find them strewn across the bedroom floor in the morning, declaring profound love to random strangers and talking into the night to troubled taxi drivers about their life history.... star and i decided to turn over a new years new leaf and organise our beautiful but never the less undiscovered blog, so get ready world, anyone who's listening for a new blog sensation.....

Watch this space!

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