Hello World,
GLASTO this weekend! - A Chance to kick-back, relax, with a glass of West Country cider, and a generous helping of some delicious
CHOOOONS. I'm so exited!! No... wait... hang on a second... Oh. No, that's it. Yeah
I'm not going. Why am I not going? You know i don't know. Wait... wrong again, i do know... oh yeah
that's it- firstly; i cannot afford it. Secondly, i am too 'young'. Thirdly i have no method of transportation. Fourthly i am at drama (don't act so shocked). Fifthly i cannot afford it. Hang on did i already mention that?
MAAAAN i need a job. Yeah Yeah, i know
I've got to stop whinging and get off my
progressively fattening arse and get one, but the truth is, no one will accept me, and
believe me i have tried. All the University students are flooding back over the hills, with
their gold encrusted C.V's which, quite possibly, even have a
reference from Barack Obama- are scooping up all of the work! leaving me, a small 'child' poking my head through my cot's railings trying to get a look in. And Failing. Badly.
BUT all hope is not lost! Soon (well i say soon but in about two months) i shall be aging up! The outcome of which should suddenly result in me getting
loaaaads of job offers- so many
in fact that i even have to turn a couple down! OK.. maybe not exactly like that.. but one can dream right?
song of the week - It's a golden oldie but yet still so good and oh so summery, it is... (drum roll please)
Kings Of Convenience - I'd Rather Dance With You.